Frequently asked questions from candidates and employers
For you searching for {jobs}
As soon as a company lives up to your wishes (and you’ve fulfilled their skill requirements). Log in to your profile to view your matches.
Yes! The matching is based on your skills and wishes. Your name, gender, and age are hidden from employers and do not affect the matching.
You’re anonymous to companies until you accept a contact request. You decide which employers you find sufficiently interesting.
Of course! Under your profile, you can simply choose from which date you want to be available to employers. Perhaps you want to see what you can be offered in 6, 12, or 18 months? You choose when you want to receive offers and before then you will not receive any requests or notifications from us.
For you looking to {Recruit}
It’s simple. Tell Rektra about your open position by creating a new recruitment, and we will source, search, and rank the best candidates suitable for your position. Contact the candidates you find the most interesting and pay only for the ones you hire.
Yes! The matching is fully automated and considers the candidates’ skills and terms. Factors such as profile picture, gender, name, and age are anonymized and do not affect the matching.